Sunday, July 19, 2009

So I skipped the last 4+ days... of blogging

Hello again all. The last four days of legislation left me in such a state of weariness that upon every return back to the hotel I would practice personal hygiene and then fall into bed. So... I didn't do much to inform folks of anything.

Many other important things took place, all of which are a hazy blur at the moment as I'm just back home and sitting in our parish house using a decent internet connection. Needless to say, those things will be overshadowed by other issues. Just know the the Episcopal Church will continue to support the work of Christ throughout the world, hopefully more than ever, and that I will be a part of that in merely a months time, maybe less.

More news will come your way once there is more news. God bless.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Legislative Day #6

I've not been keeping up with this blog the last couple of days because I would get back to the hotel completely exhausted, so apologies. Now that I've got this morning off everything is more or less back in balance.

Yesterday, the House of Deputies approved the Strategic Plan's outreach to Hispanic and Latino populations, which is already one of the fastest growing segments of the Episcopal Church. This will make a great effort at further outreach to this emergent population. That was probably the biggest thing to happen as far as mission funding ($3.5 million +) for the upcoming triennium.

Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for reading.

God bless.

Friday, July 10, 2009

General Convention, Legislative day #2

Well, unfortunately I was unable to track what happened with resolutions relative to this site, as I was wrapped up in Structure's urgent conversations. More controversial discussions were brought forth before the House of Deputies, concerning past convention decisions. For my personal opinion (which you won't find here), please email me ( and we can discuss it. Needless to say, there is much necessary dialogue to sort all of this out.

Either way, here's a shout-out for all the folks at the Young Adult Festival here in Anaheim, thank you for your presence, it means so much to many of us.

God bless, stay in touch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

General Convention day #2, Legsilative day #1

Tonight the legislative committee on World Mission heard testimony on resolution A128 which provides the budgeting for the missionaries (75+/- in total) over the next triennium. Testimony was heard by the committee (your's truly participated in the giving of said testimony) on that resolution because as it it right now, the numbers that the Program, Budget and Finance committee proposed and the ones in A128 are not cogent. The big change (that will come from the World Mission committee) is going to concern the ammount needed to fund the missionary's health care.

There will be a 12% increase in insurance costs (in all forms of insurance in America, regardless of the company), so the committee is considering increasing the ammount of funding specifically for this issue, health insurance. We'll see what comes in the days ahead.

More to come, as always. God bless.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

General Convention day #1

It turns out that I'm on the Structure Committee, which has a load of great people on it and what are actually interesting issues. I mention this because a subcommittee we formed (formed by Bp. Robinson) that is looking at how the Standing Commissions and Executive Council committees form policy, and how they meet and do that. This could have direct affects on how the Church Center (815 2nd Ave. NY, NY) staff carry out their work. This links firmly with the mission field, which I'll be in in a month-and-a-half.

I'll be sure to keep you posted. Keep all of us in your prayers out here.

God bless.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Still up North, but not for long!

The 76th General Convention is fast approaching, and I have to get prepared. Frankly, everything about GenCon and Anaheim is, figuratively, worlds away from my mind right now. Bad, yes? Well, I know there will be much to do when I get there, so don't worry about reality snapping me directly into action in the very near future. The resolutions that will come forward and the issues surrounding them will very soon consume my being. It's not a bad thing, it's a beautiful thing, the church in action, at least legislatively. Particular interest for me will revolve around the church's global mission, as that will be my life in about a month-and-a-half's time. So, expect me to blog a bit about that, since it is very near to the purpose of this site. Why not inform you of the greater church's roll in the world of mission and volunteerism?

However, I will not be writing at all about other issues at General Convention, nor expressing my opinions of them. The reason is that they will have little to do with the purpose of this site. Inter-church political issues were not the reason this site was put up. The mission issues are directly relative here, though, and you will be hearing about them, with little to no opinions being issued from me. This site is informative, not a political sounding board. Expect the facts, not my views.

Still trying to think of the format for the site upon arrival in mid-August. Right now I'm thinking that there will be a post at least once of week, towards the end of each, where I'll tell you about the 5 coolest things I've seen, done, or experienced since the last post. Any suggestions are welcome, but don't expect me to carry them out. :-P

More to come, as usual, and thank you. God bless.