Thursday, July 9, 2009

General Convention day #2, Legsilative day #1

Tonight the legislative committee on World Mission heard testimony on resolution A128 which provides the budgeting for the missionaries (75+/- in total) over the next triennium. Testimony was heard by the committee (your's truly participated in the giving of said testimony) on that resolution because as it it right now, the numbers that the Program, Budget and Finance committee proposed and the ones in A128 are not cogent. The big change (that will come from the World Mission committee) is going to concern the ammount needed to fund the missionary's health care.

There will be a 12% increase in insurance costs (in all forms of insurance in America, regardless of the company), so the committee is considering increasing the ammount of funding specifically for this issue, health insurance. We'll see what comes in the days ahead.

More to come, as always. God bless.

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